Sunday, September 28, 2008


most rated in my iPod honestly. anyways..

bands. bands. bands.

they meet. they make music. they go on tours together.
just like us, they are all individuals with own beliefs and goals and dreams.
but as a group, they influence each other, they interact to give insight on the ideas they have or views they have on certain things. but nonetheless, to make a group decision, especially a scale this big, full support is needed from the whole group, one can't make the decision for the whole group. it just doesn't make sense anyway, unless the rest does not contribute anything, then its a whole different thing honestly.

The first line on the first page
To the end of the last page
From the start in your own way
You just want somebody listening to what you say
It doesn't matter who you are
It doesn't matter who you are

it really does not matter who you are.
as a group, all ideas are anonymous be it whether you are a information giver or opinion seeker.
its "like a marriage", there is give and take involved. its all about respecting each others point of view without being too judgemental.
as a group, eveyone have got to compromise, one cant be too subjective. we've all got to grow together, sharing same views on certain ideas.

coldplay has a collective identity, believing that as a group, they all had to get out of their comfort zone, to explore music at a whole new level while still staying true to their identity as well. if one were to not agree with any idea, they'd only be betreying themselves.

Is there anybody out ther
Who is scared and hurt and lonely too?
Are they bleeding all your colours into one?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

dedication. its all about dedication.

Henry: I've never been good at finding things, I'm really good at losing things.
Lucy: Stupid idiot.

a MUST watch.
Billy Crudup. Mandy Moore. Tom Wilkinson. Bob Balabank.
a 2007 romantic comedy film written by David Bromberg and actor Justin Theroux's directorial debut.

synopsis here.

Henry Roth (Billy Crudup) is an obsessive-compulsive & somewhat misanthropic writer of children's books. His illustrator and only friend, Rudy (Tom Wilkinson), dies after a fabulously successful collaboration on their series of children's books about "Marty, the Beaver." Henry is under contract to produce another Marty book for Christmas sales. His publisher, Arthur Planck (Bob Balaban), assigns penniless, lovelorn illustrator Lucy Reilly (Mandy Moore) to work with Henry. She's sought by her ex-boyfriend Jeremy (Martin Freeman), who dumped her two years ago but shows up apologetic, having dedicated his new book to her. She and Henry go to a house on the shore to work. Will love bloom amid the rocks, or is Henry a bump on Lucy's road to Jeremy? Rudy's voice, from the grave, gives Henry counsel.

relationships. especially with an eccentric like Henry Roth. its hard. an author and an illustrator, how much more better can it get? 2 different people who complement each other. so different yet so similar at the same time. although it was not love at first at first sight, they grew on each other, they shared their hopes and dreams despite the harsh conflict they underwent throughout the movie. but before Henry and Lucy began their relationship, Henry engaged in small talk by talking about his little eccentricity and out-of-the-norm characteristics.
it allows the other to understand us if we explain our little quirks to the other person. we can grow as a couple, as individuals. we share dreams, we share emotions.

"without you, today's emotions would be the scurf of tomorrow."
-Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, Le.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

"you look like a tangerine."

Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind.
one of my favorite movies.
Jim Carrey. Kate Winslet. Elijah Wood. Mark Ruffalo. Kirsten Dunst. Tom Wilkinson.
a 2004 American drama and romantic comedy by French director Michel Gondry

synopsis. synopsis.

Joel Barish (Jim Carrey) is an emotionally withdrawn man and Clementine Kruczynski (Kate Winslet) is his girlfriend who is a dysfunctional free spirit. They are inexplicably attracted to each other despite their different personalities.
They do not realize it at the time, but they are former lovers now separated after two years together. After a nasty fight, Clementine has had her memories of their relationship erased from her mind. Upon learning this, Joel is devastated and goes to the doctor to have the same procedure of erasing her memories done. However, while unconscious, Joel has second thoughts and decides he wants to keep his memories of Clementine.
Much of the film takes place in Joel's brain as he tries to find a way to preserve his memories of Clementine and two Lacuna techies Patrick (Elijah Wood) and Stan (Mark Ruffalo) try to erase the memories. We watch their love and courtship go in reverse. The memories are slowly erased while Joel tries his best to resist the procedure and hide inside his mind.
In separate and related story arcs, the employees of Lacuna Corporation are revealed to be more than peripheral characters in scenes which further show the harm caused by the memory-altering procedure. Mary (Kirsten Dunst) has had an affair with the married doctor, Dr. Howard Mierzwiak, who heads the company (Tom Wilkinson). She agreed to have the affair erased from her memory when his wife discovered the relationship.
Patrick who is lonely and socially inept, becomes fixated on Clementine and uses Joel's personal mementos that he gave to Lacuna as part of the procedure in order to seduce Clementine. These romantic entanglements turn out to have a critical effect on the main story line of the relationship between Joel and Clementine.
Once Mary learns of the affair she has had with the doctor, she steals the company's records and sends them to all of its clients. Thus Joel and Clementine both get to listen to their initial tape recordings at Lacuna, and afterwards realize that even if everything in life isn't perfect, their relationship can still be worthwhile.

remember this?
"perception is the process of selecting, organising and interpreting information in order to give personal meaning to the communication we receive."
Seiler & Beall

its always about how we choose to interpret the information we receive to understand the message but as for Joel, its how those memories being erased from his mind that helped him understand the fact that he had always loved Clementine. but seriously, to erase the memories of the one you love is a waste. i'm not sure if im interpreting this right but a friend once said, it is a shame for someone to turn down love.
you know how it goes, you usually meet the one you love, or going out with, or have a crush on, is the one you see very often. not exactly sure how it links back to the movie, but whatever really.
okay, maybe Clementine and Joel met randomly, they lacked the similarity, the differences between them is so huge that they knew they would never survive together or separately(if they had memories of each other still in thier heads)-not sure if this makes sense- thus both Clementine and Joel chose to destroy the "mental framework that they had developed over time".

Joel: It would be different if we could just give it another go-around.
Clementine: Remember me. Try your best. Maybe, we can.

they both met again after the procedure but found out that they knew each other from before. they had to forget all typical scripts of how a normal relationship goes. their relationship was complex. they knew each other from before, they shared memories once before and to do it all over again, a typical script had to be forgone. they knew the outcome of their "new" relationship even before it began.

Joel: I can't see anything that I don't like about you.
Clementine: But you will! But you will. You know, you will think of things. And I'll get bored with you and feel trapped because that's what happens with me.
Joel: Okay.
Clementine: Okay.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


not really sure how many of you have heard this song? but maybe some of you have heard the song.

anyway, i have to say, honestly, Kate Nash is probably a rose among the thorns. i have never heard of her, i have never seen her before in any articles not even Rolling Stone magazine(maybe only recently) before her song, Foundations. but, she's really good in her own special little way.

the one thing i love about her is the way she communicates through her songs, most of it is done as though she's talking instead of singing. For example, in her song Mariella, she basically almost talked througout the song. okay, maybe the whole of it but she does it with such coolness.
i find this really awesome, really.

Mariella, Mariella
My pretty baby girl
Unglue your lips from being together and
And wear some pink and pearls
You can have your friends 'round
And they can stay for tea
Won't you just try to fit in please
Do this for me

But Mariella just crossed her arms
As she walked up the stairs
And she went into her bedroom
And she sat on her bed
And she looked in the mirror
And she thought to herself
"If I wanna play, I can play with me
If I wanna think, I'll think in my head"

if i could be like one girl, i'd be like Mariella, keeping quiet to myself is what i'll do, if i want to. i never liked talking to people honestly. weird? maybe a little too introverted. only words of gossips, critisms comes out of people's mouth. miscommunication occurs.
yes yes. talking and sharing ideas or thoughts or whatever, was never my kind of thing. maybe listening to the conversation is the most i'll do.
again..yes i know we grow and construct our view of the world through sharing of views but really, i'd rather keep to myself like Mariella. honestly. i do understand that we people connect with friends or whatever it is through communicating but honestly, i'd rather not talk and enjoy quiet moments.