Wednesday, October 22, 2008




i'm not sure if any of you guys have heard of this series from london.

the first generation of Skins comprises Series 1 and 2. The main characters include: a popular, but manipulative boy (Tony), his mysterious and powerful sister (Effy), a Muslim boy (Anwar), an openly gay boy (Maxxie), an overbearing and talented clarinet player (Jal), a party animal with family problems (Chris), a pushover (Sid) who is in love with his best friend's girlfriend, a girl who is worried her boyfriend is only using her (Michelle), a mentally unstable girl with an eating disorder (Cassie) and a girl who has a strong infatuation with her gay neighbor (Sketch).

the series comprise of different, oddly related bunch of friends who stick with each other through everything. despite being so different, esp. Anwar, the beliefs shared with ingroup is strong. the social behavior towards life is shared a common need, view and goal.

the go out together, have parties together, get high on drugs together or whatever london kids do, they definitely hang out together. they are highly interdependent of each other, conforming to each others ideas.

in shools today, everyone would just rather stick to friends whom we have a common understanding with. anyways, someone once told me "friends are God's way of apologising for parents". not sure how to make use of this but it is friends who understand us the most never the parents. as immature as this sound, some still choose to believe that parents are just a burden that prevents us from learning from our own mistakes.

not sure how true the series potray the behaviors of kids in London but it is similar to that of Singapore. its a generalization that kids would rather be with friends than parents. it is comprehensible as to why kids are doing this honestly. the changing of phase from young kids to young adults, places a lot of strain on a young mind. they seek comfort from friends who were never judgemental or subjective to begin with.


Bryan J Wong said...

I haven't watched this show myself but i've heard of it and from that, I have formed this impression that it is one of those dramatic teen shows that showcases all the cool but "dishonourable" things that teens nowadays engage in. I think it's true that many young adults are so dependent on their friends and would not know what to do without them. It can be unhealthy if one's parents are totally out of the picture but in some cases it's really not that simple (family issues). When parents don't seem to understand, it is only natural that we seek refuge with those that we feel do understand us, although the truth of the matter may be that they are just as clueless about life as we are. I think there is a fine line between being dependent on your trusted friends and being over-dependent to the point where you just take your friend's words and actions as gospel truths. One must still always be able to discern for oneself.

Sonia said...

i think it's true that people would rather stick to those with whom they've a common understanding, because it's easier to get along with one another. my friends and i enjoy doing the same things, and while we might have different personalities, our shared interests keep us together as a group.

we love skins too! :)